Re-Entry and Sanctions Center |
2024-04-10 08:44 |
Ready4Work (R4W): An Ex-Prisoner, Community and Faith Initiative (Public/Private Ventures, 2007) |
2013-05-07 13:49 |
Recidivism in the District of Columbia (CJCC, 2011) |
2013-05-07 14:09 |
Recidivsm Rates in Washington DC: Assessing Individual and Neighborhood Level Determinants of Criminality Among Ex-Offenders (Howard University, 2007) |
2013-05-07 14:07 |
Records Management-PS 1008 |
2014-03-27 12:41 |
Reducing Violent Crime Among Youth |
2014-03-12 15:19 |
Reentry of Substance Abusing Female Ex-Offenders from Prison to an Urban Community (George Washington University, 2010) |
2013-05-07 13:49 |
Relationship of Risk Factors to the Level of Criminal Offenses for Persons Diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder Involved in the Criminal Justice System (Howard University, 2005) |
2013-05-07 14:03 |
Release Services Team (RST) |
2024-04-10 08:47 |
Report of FY 2014 Inventory |
2016-02-19 09:26 |
Research and Evaluation |
2013-03-25 11:55 |
Research and Evaluation Policy 1201 |
2013-03-27 17:37 |
Research and Evaluation-JPS 1201 |
2014-03-27 12:43 |
Resources |
2013-03-25 11:58 |
Resources related to COVID-19 |
2020-03-23 09:16 |
Risk, Need, and Responsivity (RNR) Simulation Tool (George Mason University, 2012) |
2013-05-07 13:50 |